object ViewFrame: TViewFrame Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 443 Height = 270 TabOrder = 0 Visible = False object MessagePanel: TUiPanel Left = 0 Top = 205 Width = 443 Height = 47 Align = alBottom BevelOuter = bvNone BorderStyle = bsSingle Color = clInfoBk ParentBackground = False TabOrder = 0 Visible = False object MessageImage: TUiImage Left = 16 Top = 6 Width = 32 Height = 32 Transparent = True ImageIndex = 0 end object MessageLbl: TUiLabel Left = 64 Top = 14 Height = 13 Caption = '%' end object MessageActionLbl: TUiLabel Left = 184 Top = 14 Height = 13 Cursor = crHandPoint Caption = '%' Visible = False FontColor = clBlue FontStyle = [fsUnderline] end end object StatusBar: TUiStatusBar Left = 0 Top = 252 Width = 443 Height = 18 AutoHint = True Panels = <> end object Actions: TUiActionList Images = BcImages.MainImages object SessionNewAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = '&New' Hint = 'New Session|Lists session types that can be opened in new view.' OnExecute = SessionNewPopulate end object TabNewAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = 'New &Tab' Hint = 'New Tab|Opens Home view in new tab.' OnExecute = TabNewExecute end object WindowNewAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = 'New &Window' Hint = 'New Window|Opens Home view in new window.' OnExecute = WindowNewExecute end object SessionOpenAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = '&Open Session' Hint = 'Open Session|Opens Home in new view.' OnExecute = SessionOpenExecute end object TabNextAction: TUiAction Tag = 1 Category = 'Session' Caption = 'Next Tab' Hint = 'Next Tab|Selects tab after active one.' OnExecute = TabNextExecute end object TabPrevAction: TUiAction Tag = -1 Category = 'Session' Caption = 'Previous Tab' Hint = 'Previous Tab|Selects tab before active one.' OnExecute = TabNextExecute end object WorkspaceLoadAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = 'L&oad Workspace' Hint = 'Load Workspace|Lists saved view configurations that can be resto' + 'red.' OnExecute = WorkspaceLoadPopulate end object WorkspaceManagerAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = 'Manage Workspaces...' Hint = 'Manage Workspaces|Manages the saved view configurations that can' + ' be restored.' OnExecute = WorkspaceManagerExecute end object WorkspaceSaveAsAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = 'Sa&ve Workspace As...' Hint = 'Save Workspace As|Stores current view configuration.' OnExecute = WorkspaceSaveAsExecute end object CloseTabAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = '&Close Tab' Hint = 'Close Tab|Closes active tab.' OnExecute = CloseTabExecute end object ExitAction: TUiAction Category = 'Session' Caption = 'E&xit' Hint = 'Exit|Quits the application, prompts to save edits.' OnExecute = ExitExecute end object ToolbarAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' Caption = '&Toolbars' Hint = 'Toolbars|Lists toolbars that can be shown or hidden.' OnExecute = ToolbarPopulate end object FileFormatManagerAction: TUiAction Category = 'Tools' Caption = 'File &Formats...' Hint = 'File Formats|Manages the file format list.' OnExecute = FileFormatManagerExecute end object ProgramOptionsAction: TUiAction Category = 'Tools' Caption = '&Options...' Hint = 'Options|Sets global preferences.' ImageIndex = imgOptions OnExecute = ProgramOptionsExecute end object ToolbarsCustomizeAction: TUiAction Category = 'Tools' Caption = '&Customize Commands...' Hint = 'Customize Commands|Configures the toolbar, menus and keyboard sh' + 'ortcuts.' OnExecute = ToolbarsCustomizeExecute end object FtpProfileManagerAction: TUiAction Category = 'Tools' Caption = 'FTP &Profiles...' Hint = 'FTP Profiles|Manages the FTP profile list.' OnExecute = FtpProfileManagerExecute end object SourceControlManagerAction: TUiAction Category = 'Tools' Caption = 'Source Control &Integration...' Hint = 'Source Control Integration|Manages integration with version cont' + 'rol systems.' OnExecute = SourceControlManagerExecute end object SaveSnapshotAction: TUiAction Category = 'Tools' Caption = 'Save &Snapshot...' Hint = 'Save Snapshot|Saves details of specified folder for future compa' + 'rison.' OnExecute = SaveSnapshotExecute end object ExportAction: TUiAction Category = 'Tools' Caption = '&Export Settings...' Hint = 'Export Settings|Saves user settings as a file.' OnExecute = ExportExecute end object ImportAction: TUiAction Category = 'Tools' Caption = '&Import Settings...' Hint = 'Import Settings|Loads user settings from a file.' OnExecute = ImportExecute end object RaiseExceptionAction: TUiAction Category = 'Tools' Caption = 'Raise Exception' Hint = 'Raise Exception' OnExecute = RaiseExceptionExecute end object TweaksAction: TUiAction Category = 'Tools' Caption = 'Tweaks...' Hint = 'Tweaks|Sets global tweaks.' OnExecute = TweaksExecute end object HelpContentsAction: TUiAction Category = 'Help' Caption = '&Contents' Hint = 'Contents|Lists help topics.' ImageIndex = imgHelpContents OnExecute = HelpContentsExecute end object VisitSiteAction: TUiAction Category = 'Help' Caption = 'Scooter Software on the &Web' Hint = 'Visit Site|Opens the Scooter Software website in your browser.' OnExecute = VisitSiteExecute end object CheckForUpdatesAction: TUiAction Category = 'Help' Caption = 'Check for &Updates' Hint = 'Check for Updates|Checks our website to see if a newer version i' + 's available.' OnExecute = CheckForUpdatesExecute end object SupportAction: TUiAction Category = 'Help' Caption = '&Support' Hint = 'Support|Displays Scooter Software contact information.' OnExecute = SupportExecute end object EnterKeyAction: TUiAction Category = 'Help' Caption = 'Enter Key...' Hint = 'Enter Key|Enter registration key.' OnExecute = EnterKeyExecute end object AboutAction: TUiAction Category = 'Help' OnExecute = AboutExecute end end end